Over the past 25+ years, we’ve helped organisations of all sizes and from a wide variety of sectors.

We’ve helped owner-managed businesses and PLCs deal with all sorts of challenges. From tackling criticism on social media to facing the national media after a factory fire, we’ve seen it all.

Take a look at the case studies below and check out just some of the testimonials we’ve received from businesses. Find out how we’ve helped protect their reputations.

Case Studies

Reputation of beauty pageant threatened

Reputation of beauty pageant threatened

For over 25 years, we’ve been protecting the reputation of these types of businesses and organisations:

our experience our experience

Your calm and steady approach was everything I needed when my business was being unfairly criticised in the national press. You stopped me from responding in haste, which I realise now, was the worst thing I could have done! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I thought the problem would go away if I ignored it. It didn’t. I was reluctant to use you but can honestly say, your support and advice helped pull me back from the brink. Your patience, clarity of thought and advice were just what I needed to get me through the emotional roller coaster.

My business was facing a torrent of unfair criticism on Facebook.  It stemmed from one negative post by an ex-employee and escalated like wild fire. Your level-headed, practical advice helped get the negative comments removed.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

One of my co-directors was found guilty of drink driving.  I was concerned that if it got out, we’d suffer from negative press and loss of business.  As it happened, there was no backlash but being able to contact you and have some pre-prepared statements and letters ready was reassuring.